Our Organization

Board of Directors

NameOfficeTerm ExpiresContact Info
Bill KennedyPresident2025603-321-0292
John PieperVice President2026603-614-8065
Lucia CarlisleTreasurer2025603-669-8666
Sharon KaceSecretary2025603-669-2911
Mary AtwoodDirector2026603-875-8418
Alice Bruist-MakDirector2025603-716-6710
Peter KingsleyDirector2027603-567-7126
Jane VerdragerDirector2026603-865-5508
Rick WeinsteinDirector2027603-759-0291
David LawrencePast PresidentNon Voting603-609-8109

This list does not contain email addresses because they can be harvested and used by spammers. This has happened in the past. If you need to speak to a specific member of the board, use the Contact Us page on this website and your message will be forwarded to that person.

Anyone interested in joining the Board of Directors should use the Contact Us page or send email directly to president@nhbridge.com.

* Board of Directors three-year terms begin and end at the NHBA Annual Meeting, which coincides with the New Hampshire State Championship and Open Pairs.